Hundred LiteHL



Examples: Fantasy Creatures


70 25 20

↑Sense, Flying, Thick Scales: Armored (12), Breathe Flame (3d10 Burning), Bite (5d10), Claw (4d10 Cutting), Tail (2d10)


90 15 10

↑Presence, Tough Skin: Armored (20), Huge Club (5d10)


25 10 15

↑Combat, Hide: Armored (5), Great Axe (4d10 Cutting)


15 12 10

↑Combat, ↓Sense, Hide Armor: Armored (10), One of: Scimitar (2d10 Cutting), Composite Bow (3d10 Piercing), Short Spear (2d10 Piercing)


20 10 10

Tough Skin: Armored (3), Tree Trunk Club (3d10), Claw (2d10 Cutting), Regenerate: Heals 1d10 every half hour

Examples: Supernatural Creatures


10 15 15

Scary (2), Spectral


15 10 5

Scary (3), ↑Subterfuge, Claw (2d10 Cutting), Bite (2d10 Toxic), Howl: Scary (2)


15 10 15

Scary (2), ↑Knowledge (Ancient Language), ↑Sense, Desiccated: Vulnerable (Burning)


12 10 5

Scary (2), Broadsword (2d10 Cutting), Bow (1d10 Piercing)


15 5 5

↓Athletics, Scary (2), Bite (1d10 Cutting), Claw (1d10 Cutting)


Armor Protection Notes
Cloth Armor 5 Fragile
Wooden Shield 5
Leather Armor 10
Metal Shield 10 Heavy
Chainmail 15
Plate Armor 20 Heavy
Weapon Damage Notes
Fists 1d10
Dagger 2d10 Piercing
Hammer 2d10
Mace 2d10
Axe 3d10 Cutting
Sword 3d10 Cutting
Bow 4d10 Piercing
Two-Handed Axe 5d10 Cutting Heavy
Two-Handed Hammer 5d10 Heavy
Two-Handed Sword 5d10 Cutting Heavy


Studying and practicing magic varies greatly between practitioners: some will cling to tomes and study carefully recorded spells from ages past, while others will embrace the chaos of raw magic itself, preferring to make up effects on the fly. Though approaches may differ, it is effectively the same system beneath the surface.

A new Mind skill, Magic, enables the ability to cast spells. Advancement in Magic requires focused practice with a more highly skilled mage, or intensive study with an adequately advanced source.

Mages can memorize an active number of spells equal to their Magic skill divided by ten, rounded down. E.g., Magic 22% = 2 spells, Magic 49% = 4 spells, etc.


There are eight schools of magic, grouping various effects together.

Each school can be a talent, granting the standard +20% to related casts. Additionally, being talented in a school enables two more memory slots specific to those spells.


Each spell has a number of properties, outlining what precisely it does when cast, and a final number denoting its rating.

Effect: the most freeform piece of a spell, this is some outcome related to a specific school, described as its intended target and consequence(s).

Degree: a number (1–10) that determines the effect's intensity. For dealing, preventing, and altering damage, this number pertains to how many d10 are rolled for the outcome. Similarly, opposing effects provide the number of d10 to overcome. For other spell effects, degree is usually relative to concept (strength of conjured or evoked entities, items, etc.). Degree is sometimes denoted as a roman numeral with the spell's name, when recorded.

Scale: the affected area, or entity size of the effect.

  1. Tiny, a spot on or touching the target; size of a coin.
  2. Small, around arms' reach of target; size of half a human.
  3. Medium, around lunging distance of target; size similar to a human.
  4. Large, around throwing distance to target; size of a large creature, up to 2× human.
  5. Huge, around shouting distance to target; size of a very large creature, 3× human or larger.

Range: the relative distance from the caster to the target:

  1. Touch, in physical contact.
  2. Close, within arms' reach.
  3. Near, within lunging distance.
  4. Far, within throwing distance.
  5. Distant, within shouting distance.

Duration: how long the effect lasts. Roll a d10 for the exact duration amount, if desired.

  1. Instant
  2. Seconds
  3. Tens of seconds
  4. Minutes
  5. Tens of minutes

Rating: the sum of the spell's degree, scale, range, and duration numbers, multiplied by 5. This number describes how complex the spell is it to perform, record, and memorize.

Spell examples coming soon!

There are two ways to actually cast spells: improvised, and practiced.

Improvised Casts

Improvised spell casting is widely seen as a form of arcane art. It is, however, typically quite dangerous: misusing magic on the fly can backfire, putting the mage and their allies in harm's way of the intended effect. Despite this, it can often prove to be useful.

Improvising a spell involves describing the desired properties with the players, and determining the number values along with the GM to arrive at its rating. The mage then makes an opposed roll between their Magic skill and the spell's rating, representing the threads of reality that resist manipulation. Mind can be spent as effort for this roll.

Practiced Casts

The safer option for casting spells involves using a recorded version of the spell for reference, and helps to stabilize the magical outcome. This can be from a written form of the spell, or a studied, memorized form.

In this case, the mage simply makes a Magic skill check. On success, the spell occurs as intended. On failure, the spell fizzles.

Recording a Spell

To record a written form of a spell, the character must make a crafting roll using Finesse (Spellwriting), with the complexity equal to the spell's rating.

Memorizing a Spell

Memorizing a spell requires some dedicated time (an hour or so) to study a written version, then succeed at an opposed roll of Mind vs. the spell's rating.


Attributes, skills, and talents can all be modified to build custom races or species. Possible customizations include:

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